BEAT INTERNATIONALは、これまで味わったことがないほど美味しいイタリア料理を、気取らずに楽しめる場所を創ることを目指しています。食事を楽しむということは、人々の心を豊かにし、感情を共有することです。私たちは、オリジナリティ溢れる料理を提供するだけでなく、街に根ざした店舗づくりを通して、その「場所」「街」「地域」の皆さまに長く愛される、笑顔になれる場所をご提供し続けます。
BEAT INTERNATIONAL aims to create a place where people can enjoy the most delicious Italian food they have ever tasted in an unpretentious way. To enjoy a meal is to enrich people's hearts and share emotions. We will continue to provide not only highly original cuisine, but also a place that will be loved by everyone in that "place," "town," and "community" for a long time and bring smiles to their faces through the creation of restaurants that are rooted in the town.
If you have any questions, requests for interviews, or comments about our company or our restaurants, please contact us using this form. If you have any comments about our restaurants, please let us know the date and time of your visit. If you would like to make a reservation for your visit, please use the reservation page of each restaurant, not this form.